
Shake your body

Patricia Manterola

621 vistas

Letra de la canción Shake your body


Come on and shake y our body

Get on your feet and party.

Come on and rock my body

Lets get this party started.

Come on and shake your body

Get on your feet and party.

Come on and rock my body aim

Lets start this party... ¡Eh!

I gotta feel the music that makes me wanna move

If you know you really want it I just may want it, too

You say ¡Uh! I say ¡Ah! Gotta get so from my own

And I bet you aint to ready for the fantasies it to come

Look at how I move it

You move it up and down and you shake it all around

Look at how I use it

Well, you really got me going and I like it like that ¡Aw!


Come on and shake y our body

Get on your feet and party.

Come on and rock my body

Lets get this party started.

Come on and shake your body

Get on your feet and party.

Come on and rock my body aim

Lets start this party... ¡Eh!

You can start off up my ways

You can move on through thighs

Just get up all on me baby everythings alright

You put your arms around me

Hold me real tight

I can tell youre really with it

¡Lets try it all night!

See just what you doing to me

You got me going crazy and call me for some more

Let your body take control

Shake it up and down till we cant no more


Oye cosa buena, échate pa ca

Que ésto está caliente y yo quiero más

Más de tu cintura, más de tu sudor

Ven mamita linda mueve ese bombón

BombónMueve que te quiero ver.

Bombón ¡Ay! Mami yo te quiero ver.

BombónMuévete otra vez mamá.

Bombón ¡Ay! mira que yo quiero más.

So get up everybody come on shake it up and down

So come on everybody move it

Lets get this party started

Get up everybody come on shake it up and down

So come on everybody move it

Lets get this party started.


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De Patricia Manterola

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