
Hypnotize me


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Letra de la canción Hypnotize me

Yesterday I decided

jugaras but no longer with me

I will not be a fool you

that have been too many tears

because of you

q and decided not lock myself up another Sunday

while your father or your friends

and I next to the phone waiting for you

te dire unhappy because he

will give you my caresses

who seek your smiles

or like me who like me with so much love

and live up to here face to face and I love your face

face to face and looking at your eyes

intense your eyes your divine eyes

your beautiful eyes

they do sigh

and the death ray

you have my turn is coming

I'm caught rises

hypnotize me and I fall to

you knees

There is something in your eyes that I love

I love you master

your eyes when they look at me

Hypnotize me and I

forgiveness sorry

There is something in your eyes I love you I love amoe

amooo te amo mi amor

Again here

I know you do not you agree my

I do not understand how it is that you convince me

anybody I let myself and you make fun of my

te dire unhappy because without my

you will have no joy

like me who will give his life

or like me who like me with so much love

and live up to here face to face and I love your face

face to face and looking at your eyes

intense your eyes your eyes your beautiful eyes divine

you do distill and that death ray

that you are about me I have to catch me rises

He hypnotizes x8

hypnotize me and I fall to you knees

There is something in your eyes I love love

your eyes when they look at me

hypnotize me and I ask forgiveness sorry

There is something in your eyes that I love I love I love you

I love you I love my love

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